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Raymond Naha Jr.

Raymond Naha Jr. might be known for his elaborate old-style katsina dolls, but like his legendary forebear, paint flows through his veins. Being a laid-back and low key individual, Ray lets his painting speak for itself.

We like the strong representation of Hopi culture in his original works. His colors and combination of subject matter always provide for a nice contrast. We hope to continue to see more great original works by Ray Naha.

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Gifts from the Plaza
14 x 11 Acrylic
(framed 17 x 14)

plus sh/han


A Hopi "still life," this piece features two traditional polychrome potteries, which tradition is from his village at First Mesa, as well as an old-style Hemis katsina - tying together both art forms that he and his family members are known for. These rest cushioned on an embroidered kilt with an elaborate fringe.

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